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Have you ever ventured out in the hot plains of North India during summers?

Have you ever ventured out in the hot plains of North India during summers?

Dry scorching heat can debilitate the strongest of adventurers. As temperatures soar above 40 Degrees it saps body fluids, drains energy and reduces performance.

KOOLJAK introduces a wearable jacket that allows ice-cold liquid/water to flow around the core of your body to keep you cool.

KOOLJAK launch comes after years of understanding the human physiology of working in extreme hot conditions.

KOOLJAK has a lightweight wearable “Liquid Circulating Jacket’ with a cold reservoir in two configurations

beat the heat with kooljak - heat relief system

Kooljak recognises individuality. We make fashion accessible and fun.

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Stay Comfortable and Focused in
Extreme Conditions – Discover the Innovative Technology Behind Our Cooling Jacket!

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